Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Honey and Clover

~Ooc: Tech
So, I'm downloading this cute little series called "Honey and Clover" since Jonathan siad it was nice. There's no bloodshed or anything, but I knda need little of those this days anyways, so it's alright. What's it about?

I have no idea.

There was this guy who likes a cute little girl (Who kinda looks like a 12 yr. old...) and he can't get his feelings out. Rinse and repeat the above sentence again for the next guy, but replace the 'cute little girl' with a 'workaholic superior'. Then there's this guy who's really wierd, but he cares much for the first guy and the cute girl. I should start remebering their names... anyways, I've only seen 3 episodes, so I'll give a review after I finish the series... btw, there's already a Honey And Clover II, so I guess I'll be getting that one too...

'Honey & Clover' download finished as of the publishing of this post: 58.0% (9 / 24 Files 100%)

1 comment:

Jin Rui said...

Refer to your post: Procastination Sucks.

I've left a comment there for you to read. Believe me, its a long one!

I'm still planning to play on two flights. Arrrghh! I only want to play on one flight, but... awww well...