Sunday, February 04, 2007

The Sum of ASDF

:: Entry #29 - We Won ::
~Ooc: Headlines

Mood: Stable
Music: Girls With The Softest Lips Lash Out The Most Violent Words, by: Valley of Chrome

So, two of my kaTropas have created their own blogs. Juner (My Guy Bestfriend) and Jonathan (The Resident Psychologist - more psycho than most, btw) have their own repositories of thoughts from now on, both of which are in the Links section of my blog. A friend of mine asked (through friendster) me a while ago why do I bother on keeping this small corner of the internet. "Why do you blog" he asked. You're baring yourself for the whole world to see.

The Reason: I'm unnaturally silent, and I have an adverse aversion to strangers. Very rarely would I willingly talk to people I don't know, be it shop owners, random people or sometimes even my Tropa's other Tropas. Or Tropa's Girlfriends for that matter. Girlfriend (Singular). Yes, It's a sad and cruel world. Anyways, back to topic: The Reason. Long story short: I need an outlet. There's a lot of emotions warring in my head, much more in my heart. I need a place where I can let it all out.

Welcome to I N C A R N U M, the dumpsite of my unfettered emotions. ^^;

Btw, Belato Praxis won this day's 9:00pm CW. ^^; Yey! Congrats peeps!

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