Sunday, December 03, 2006


~Ooc: Life

'Woman' Post part I:

The hell's with women? Most don't follow conventional logic and almost every single one of them expects you to read their minds. Fun Fact: I hate women who clamps up when she's supposed to be talking. In other words, almost every girl.

Do you know why I really love my bestfriend? It's mainly because of this: when she's angry, she goes off like a freaking nuclear bomb. If we're not alone, or if we're in a public place, she goes on normally until we find some secluded spot then - BOOM!. >_< I know it sounds sadistic of me to like someone who explodes, but still. When you're angry, blow up. Please. Why? Because when people blow up, they actually say what they mean to say. I don't have to dig through perfumed shit, sort through thinly veiled taunts just to find out why the hell you're not talking to me. I don't have to say sorry, cuddle you and all, trying to pry the f*cking truth out of you. I know my ears will ring and my ego would be bruised, but I expect that. I want to know my mistakes - why you're angry, so that I won't make the same mistake again.

So, moral of the story: just freaking blow up, dammit!

Disclaimer: No, the person I'm talking about ain't you. Whoever you are. She's doesn't freaking know that this blog exists. And even if she does, she too freaking numb to care about me and feelings... T_T

'Woman' Post part II:

On another note, I asked a girl for help just last last week. I know, that's a long time, but my PC's broken. Anyhow, I found out about a little bug in my system, and I panicked. I REALLY panicked. I was sooo darn desperate for help that I somehow ended up sending a somewhat offensive message to her through friendster. I hate friendster and I hate her, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I got a few opinions out of her, and some of the lifelines I pulled produced results, but all in all, You could say that I'm currently 'in medication'. Don't pry. ~_~

Anyways, why do I hate her? My reason seems absurd right now, but before, for me, its enough to wage war on someone. Even if that person is a woman. Well, here's the gist of the story: She dumped JM, then bragged on friendster that she didn't love him. Well, not exactly bragged, but she posted that in a few of her bulletin posts. The first part (Her dumping JM), I actually approve. JM really acted immature and insensitive back then. Sorry JM. But the second part (at least back then) for me, was unforgivable.

When a girl becomes someone's girlfriend, she does so because of a reason. Love, wealth, fame, whatever. You'd usually find that out after the relationship. This is also true for us boys. JM cried his guts out when this girl dumped him. He desreved it. Sorry JM. But while one of my berks was experiencing grief, this girl was off at friendster, telling everyone that she didn't really love him. It makes on wonder: Why then, did she became her girlfriend? Love is crossed out. What other reasons can there be? Whatever that reason is, it not enough to cross one of my ka-tropa.

And so, I waged war. And I'm not sure, but I think I lost - since I no longer believe in my cause.

Anyways, that's done. :D Good luck to us. That was one convoluted post eh? I'm not sure what the hell up with the whole 'Woman' Post part II thingy, but that's that - Ciao. *sneaks off to write another post*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there... I'm a new reader of your blog... =)

Anyways... Moving on to my comment...

Well... I don't really wanna butt in other people's lives. And I know that I'm in no position to be telling this... But have you ever listened to the other part of the story? I mean, she may have said that she didn't love him (your friend) back then, but maybe you just misinterpreted it... I think she didn't brag about it because no one in this world would brag about dumping her/his ex.

And there are still a lot of possible reasons of why someone can be in a relationship. Maybe out of pity...?

And I don't know... But I don't think it's really right to "hate" the girl. Do you know her that well to hate her and to judge her actions?

"Whatever that reason is, it not enough to cross one of my ka-tropa."
^ And about that. I mean, how can you be so confident about that? What if the relationship of your friend and that girl wasn't really meant to be? If you were in the girl's position, would you still want to be in a relationship even if you knew that the it would end up nowhere? I don't think that it's right to "bash" the girl like that just because she "hurt" your friend...

Well, I'm just saying this 'coz I'm also a girl... And all of those were my opinions. I didn't mean to offend you. But if I did, I'm sorry... I just wanted to voice out how I felt...