Sunday, October 01, 2006

Decklists galore...

~Ooc: Magic

My Black/White Rebirth is quite a powerful deck, so powerful in fact that I think it has a higher chance of winning tourneys than my soon-to-be Thallid Deck. Anyways, I'm posting both decklists here, though I'm seriously doubting that I'm gonna continue the Thallid.dec


//Lands (21x)
11x Snow-covered Plains
6x Snow-covered Swamps
4x Mouth of Ronom

//Creatures (13x)
4x Adarkar Valkyrie
4x Martyr of Sands
3x Children of Korlis
2x Walking Archive

4x Proclamation of Rebirth
4x Faith's Fetters
4x Condemn
4x Mortify
4x Castigate
3x Grim Harvest
2x Sunscour
1x Sacred Mesa

There. The finished Rebirth.dec, although I'm really feeling he lack of sunscours (Or Wrath effects). I think I'll swap the 4x Faith's Fetters for 2x Sunscour and 2x Angel's Grace and swap a Children of Korlis for a Sacred Mesa before calling it a finished product. Oh, and also a couple of swamps for a couple of Snow B/U Tap lands, just in case I need to pump my Walking Archives... Darn it, It look quite powerful with those rare cards... Anyways, Here's the other deck, the projected Thallid.dec, although I really feel the lack of Wrath effects so I'm reconsidering if the deck's worth it's weight.


11x Forest
10x Swamp
1x Pendellhaven

4x Thallid
4x Deathspore Thallid
4x Thallid Shell-dweller
4x Sporesower Thallid
3x Thelon of Havenwood
1x Savage Thallid

4x Sprout
4x Sudden Death
4x Putrefy
2x Fallen Ideal
2x Verdant Embrace
2x Shielding Plax

There. I've got a Thelon of Havenwood and the Set of Putrefys right now, so all I need are a couple of Preconstructed Decks straight from the stores and it's done! Simple and easy. Darn it, I wish Black or Green has Mass removal of some kind, cuz Silhanna Ledgewalker and Giant Solifuge would own this deck quickly and easily (Not to mention Simic Sky Swallower). *sigh* I wonder what kind of deck's gonna be on the Tier 1 post-Time Spiral...

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